3 Whys Consulting

3 Whys Consulting


Human Resources Consultants

About Us

Sandy Gebhardt, PHR is the Founder/CEO of 3 Whys Consulting. She has over 25 years of experience as an industry leader in human resources. She is a Petaluma native and proud mother.

When asked how she determined the name of her business five years ago, she enthusiastically shares the three “Whys”
1. She desired work life balance and felt being at home and available to her then pre-teen was of utmost importance.
2. She consistently heard of a lack of HR support for companies who did (do) not have the budget or need for a full-time HR employee. Therefore, she believes a consultant can bridge that gap filling an especially key role.
3. She is passionate about changing the stigma of HR being the “hammer” or “heavy” or “principal” in an organization. She feels the relationship between human resources and the people in companies thrive when it is cultivated through trust, clear expectations, and consistent communication.


  • Human Resources

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Sandy Gebhardt